Let's mambo!

Novita has improved their Mambo yarn, or so I have been told. I fell love with their new color, violet, instantly when I saw it. It is just my color. So I bought it and 8 double pointed needles.

Mambo hat

pattern: Rounded hat (own, details in Ravelry)
yarn: Novita Mambo
Needles: 8 mm

I did also something that was completely new to me. I bought Kool-aid's and dyed some yarn.

Hand dyed Hand dyed

Yarns was originally blue as you can see and then I dyed the other end with grape and other end with strawberry. I like the result but don't really know what to do with this yarn. I have it 22 grams and it is originally lace weight but this is double of it. Again it is some vintage yarn and I don't know what fibers it has or what brand it is or anything.


  1. Mooi!
    Löysin sut myös Ravelrystä, johon itse liityin toissapäivänä, ja lisäsin kaveriksi :)
    Tosta Mambosta oon huomannut, et kaupoissa on kahta ihan eri tuntuista versiota, pehmeää ja karheaa. Toivottavasti se pehmeä on se uudempi versio :)


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