How to make a needle holder from old curtain?

Once upon a time there was retro curtain...

...Maija Isola's design "Resla"...
Reslapussi Puikkoresla now my needle holder
Puikkoresla Puikkoresla

edit: This was supposed to be test version but I never did the actual version because this took so much time! Maybe someday...

I did also needle inventory when I added needles to this holder:

1,75-2 mm: 12 metallista
2,5 mm: 5 harmaata, 8 metallista
2,75 mm: 4 harmaata
3 mm: 12 harmaata, 4 metallista
3,5 mm: 6 harmaata, 2 metallista
4 mm: 1 harmaa
4,5 mm: 11 harmaata

Those are my mum's old ones. And here are my own ones.

2,5 mm: 5 addi's
3 mm: 5 addi's bambuu
3,5 mm: 5 addi's bambuu


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