
Showing posts from December, 2012

Novita Puro and Creative Poems aran

I am making blanket from Novita Puro yarn. My goal is to use every color it has been made. But because not every color is available anymore I had to find other ways to find those colors. It came up that Rico Design's Creative Poems Aran is same yarn. I have made table of equility of these yarns. Novita Puro Creative poems aran 801 kanervikko 803 tundra 004 804 ruska 805 revontulet 806 jäätynyt karpalo 807 iltanuotio 809 pakkasyö 816 aamurusko 821 aallokko 827 kukkaniitty 830 kivi 832 metsä 011 839 lehto 841 rusko 843 kaarna 844 takkatuli 845 usva 006 848 kajastus 870 kajo 871 juolukka 873 ilo/td> 875 luumupuu 882 retro